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Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


Initial training in engineering at Ecole Polytechnique.

At the undergraduate level, AMIBio is essentially involved in Computer Science courses at Ecole Polytechnique, mainly in programming languages and Big Data processing (high-performance computing and machine learning). Notably, we are involved in the parcours d'Approfondissement en Bioinformatique at École Polytechnique.

Graduate-level programs and courses.

Our project is also very much involved in the AMI2B (Analyse, Modélisation et Ingénierie de l'Information Biologique et Médicale, formerly named BIBS – Bioinformatique et Biostatistique) Master program at Université Paris-Sud/École Polytechnique. Most AMIBio permanent members teach recurrent courses in AMI2B, and M. Regnier is in charge of the program at the M1 and M2 levels for Ecole Polytechnique.

Beyond the plateau de Saclay, AMIBio members participate in the BIM master program at Upmc , and regularly deliver PhD-level lectures in Summer/Winter schools.

